SM handles:

Educational Qualification (highest):
  • PhD (Pursing)
  • M.Tech (Computer Science

Area of Research : Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Colour Technology

Department: Data Science

Basic Information:
  • Email Id:
  • Landline extension: 022- 45024095
  • Desk (location): Departmental Office, 6 th Floor

Sarada Samantaray has M. Tech degree in Computer Science from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata and 23 years of Industry/IT experience including 13 years in Microsoft as Delivery Manager driving Microsoft Windows development and deliveries. For last one and half years, he has been working as Associate Dean at NMIMS University, focusing on Business Analytics development for all the schools, and TECH MGMT School of the University. He is about to commence his research work as part of Ph. D. curriculum, by joining NMIMS University in the area of finance as a research scholar.

Professional Experience and Achievements
NMIMS University (Aug 2014 – Current)
  1. Incubated of Business Analytics CoE emphasizing 4 core subject areas for an integrated dual degree curricula
  2. Extension of CoE practices to NMIMS B-school cover 2 subject areas and evangelized, as director of such CoE across NMIMS geographies
  3. Strategy, policy definition and implementation as the Academic Council and Board of Management
  4. Led industry collaboration on special programs with Cap Gemini, Mahindra Satyam, Axis Bank, HDFC Bank, SAS
  5. Team Leadership: The current team size is approx. 450 non-teaching and teaching staffs, having 185 professors, associate professors, and assistant professors. The plans are in place to grow teaching staff strength to 250 at multi location campuses by year end 2017.
Microsoft (Jan 2002 – Feb 1012)

Leadership in building India- based Windows Serviceability team from grounds-up. In its first phase in 2003 and 2004 Windows Server 2000, XP Server 2003 and Win7 project was completely offshored (technology and knowhow transfer) from USA to India. Instrumental in transition planning, recruitment to build development, test, and program management team and built a strong team of around 250 members.

    1. Talent Acquisition and development including at senior level (has contributed hiring around 900 engineering staffs from campuses and laterals)
    2. Project planning and delivery – Managed Service Pack and security patch releases for Windows 2000 and 2003, XP SP3 and Win7
    3. Complex project management which includes teams located at different global locations including large team from vendors
    4. Led development, test and project management of team of size of around 250 inMicrosoft and vendor teams (Infosys and Wipro). Indirect responsibility for around 1200 Developers, Test engineers, Program management and Project Management including contracts administration. Has been awarded as Best People’s Manager
    5. Cross team Collaboration: Microsoft teams from US and India with collaboration with teams from Infosys and Wipro and international language test team from Ireland

As a Senior Manager, successfully developed and delivered a strategic project on SQL server based MS CRM for Microsoft’s sales and marketing platform and made it Siebel-free – such Sales and Marketing platform was a key brand-building exercise for Microsoft. Managed a cross-functional team of 300 developers and test engineers on this challenging project that involved complex integration with tools and applications and system performance management for 30 thousand global users. Worked on analytics tools and systems built using large volume of diversified data.

Have an US patent on statistical analysis of test cases using clustering technique.

Cadence Design System (1997-2002)

Worked as Program Manager and subsequently moved as Development Manager for team of approx. 50 developers, testers and PMs, for industry gold standard software called Verilog-XL, a compiler and simulator software for electronic design automation. Worked for 3 releases during 5 year stint with quarterly revenue of $15 million. This was developed on platforms including Windows, Lines/Unix, IBM AIX, and HP operating Systems. Was also instrumental in architecting Verilog-XL to work on a distributed environment to solve big and complex design in multiple machines and OSs.

AT & T, USA (1993 – 1996)

Worked in C++ compiler team and Network Design Team of AT & T Bell lab as software engineer delivering application software and tools on UNIX and Windows platforms

TELCO (1991-1993)

Started career at Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company as senior systems officer of Product development group, developing a CASE tool called Turbo Analyst with a revenue of around Rs. 1 crore per year. I got exposure to start learning C++ and Windows development