Educational Qualification (highest):
  • Pursuing Ph.D (Symbiosis International University)
  • M.Tech (2011-2013 from NMIMS University)

Area of Research: Image Processing & Image Security

Department: Computer Engineering

Basic Information:
  • Email Id:
  • Landline extension: 114805
  • Desk (location):401 Faculty Area, MPSTME Phase 2
  • About (Awards, Patents, Committees) :Coursera Lead & Accreditation Coordinator


  • Ratnesh N. Chaturvedi, Sudeep D. Thepade & Swati N. Ahirrao (2023) Modified Deterministic Approach for Size Invariant Visual Secret Sharing with Improved Quality of Recovered Secret, Journal of Applied Security Research, 18:4, 700-717, DOI: 10.1080/19361610.2022.2080470
  • Chaturvedi, R. N., Thepade, S. D., Ahirrao, S., & Kothari, S. (2023). Expressive Color Visual Secret Sharing with Color to Gray & Back and Cosine Transform. Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, 22(1), 1–14.
  • Chaturvedi, R., Thepade, S. D., & Ahirrao, S. (2021). Expressive shares visual secret sharing using discrete cosine transform for improved extracted secret quality. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 16(1), 275–290.
  • Thadeshwar, A.A., Patel, S., Patel, D., & Chaturvedi, R.N. (2018). MULTIMODAL BIOMETRIC SYSTEMS: A REVIEW. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 9, 361-365.
  • K Munot, N Mehta, S Mishra, RN Chaturvedi (2017). A REVIEW ON IMAGE SEGMENTATION TECHNIQUES WITH AN APPLICATION PERSPECTIVE. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8, 846-850.
  • Kanikar, P., Chaturvedi, R.N., Kashyap, V., & Likhite, P. (2013). Image Steganography using DCT, DST, Haar and Walsh Transform. International Journal of Computer Applications, 65, 34-37.
  • Kekre, Hemant & Thepade, Sudeep & Chaturvedi, Ratnesh. (2013). Color to Gray and back’ using normalization of color components with Cosine, Haar and Walsh Wavelet. IOSR J. Comput. Eng.. 10. 95-104. 10.9790/0661-10595104.
  • Kekre, Hemant & Thepade, Sudeep & Chaturvedi, Ratnesh. (2013). NOVEL TRANSFORMED BLOCK BASED INFORMATION HIDING USING COSINE, SINE, HARTLEY, WALSH AND HAAR TRANSFORMS. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 274-281, ISSN: 2231-1963 .
  • Kekre, Dr. (2013). Information Hiding for “Color to Gray and back” with Hartley, Slant and Kekre’s wavelet using Normalization. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering. 10. 50-58. 10.9790/0661-1065058.
  • Kekre, H.B., Thepade, S.D., & Chaturvedi, R.N. (2013). New Faster ‘Color to Gray and Back’ Using Normalization of Color Components with Orthogonal Transforms. International journal of engineering research and technology, 2.
  • Kanikar, P., Chaturvedi, R.N., Kashyap, V., & Likhite, P. (2013). Image Steganography using DCT, DST, Haar and Walsh Transform. International Journal of Computer Applications, 65, 34-37.
  • Kekre, Hemant & Thepade, Sudeep & Chaturvedi, Ratnesh. (2013). BLOCK BASED INFORMATION HIDING USING COSINE, HARTLEY, WALSH AND HAAR Wavelets. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970) Volume-3 Number-1 Issue-9.
  • H. B. Kekre, Sudeep D. Thepade, Ratnesh Chaturvedi, Saurabh Gupta. (2012). Walsh, Sine, Haar & Cosine Transform With Various Color Spaces for ‘Color to Gray and Back’. International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), Pp – 349 – 356, Volume – 6 Issue – 5.
  • A. Ajmera, M. Divecha, S. S. Ghosh, I. Raval and R. Chaturvedi, “Video Steganography: Using Scrambling- AES Encryption and DCT, DST Steganography,” 2019 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon), Pune, India, 2019, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/PuneCon46936.2019.9105666.
  • R. N. Chaturvedi, S. D. Thepade and S. N. Ahirrao, “Quality Enhancement of Visual Cryptography for Secret Sharing of Binary, Gray and Color Images,” 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), Pune, India, 2018, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCUBEA.2018.8697870.
  • S. D. Thepade, J. H. Dewan, D. Pritam and R. Chaturvedi, “Fire Detection System Using Color and Flickering Behaviour of Fire with Kekre’s LUV Color Space,” 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), Pune, India, 2018, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCUBEA.2018.8697454.
  • Kekre, H.B., Thepade, S.D., Chaturvedi, R.N. (2014). “Color to Gray and Back” Using DST-DCT, Haar-DCT, Walsh-DCT, Hartley-DCT, Slant-DCT, Kekre-DCT Hybrid Wavelet Transforms. In: Pant, M., Deep, K., Nagar, A., Bansal, J. (eds) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 259. Springer, New Delhi.