SM Handles:
Educational Qualification (highest): Ph.D
Area of Research : Anomaly Detection, Data Analysis, Health care data analytics,
Smart Grid, Wireless Sensor Networks
Designation: Associate Professor
Pay Level: Assistant Professor (AL-13A)
Department: Information Technology
PhD Scholars: 02 Registered
- M. Ravinder (2020), Research Area: Advanced Anomaly Detection in Smart Grid using Machine Learning Techniques.
- Raminder Kaur (2021), Research area: Assessment of Psychology based on speech analysis.
Basic Information = Email Id:
Landline extension: 022- 45024733
Desk Location: Faculty Room 701, Cubicle-2
About (Awards, Patents, Committees)
- Australian Patent application: Patent number: 2020102543, Vikram Kulkarni et. al “IoT Based Trust Modeling Approach for Cooperative Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)” applied on 30-Sep-2020, Approved and Granted on 04-Nov-2020.
- Australian Patent application: Patent number: 2020103880, Vikram Kulkarni et al. “An IOT and Deep Learning Enabled device for Monitoring Social Distancing” applied on 03-Dec-2020 Approved and granted on 27-01-2021.
Copyright: 1 application
- Registration Number: L-106254/2021, Dairy number- 6954/2021-CO/L. Title: Blockchain Defined Network (BDN) based Secure Transaction in IoT Environment, Accepted on 10-08-2021.
- Recognized as a Top Reviewer at the 4th IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC-2022) held during December 8 -10 2022 and Organized by IEEE Bombay Section and SVKM’s NMIMS MPSTME, Mumbai, India.
- Guest editor for Special Issue “Exploring the Power of AI and ML in Smart Grids: Advancements, Applications, and Challenges “Frontiers in AI and Fronteirs in Big Data (Scopus and WOS, Open access)”.
- Guest editor for Special Issue “Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Automation and Energy Forecasting” in journal “Frontiers in Energy Research (Scopus and SCI indexed with IF 3.2, Open access)”. Link 12 articles accepted in the special issue.
- Co-Organized a Special Session on the topic “Recent trends in Sustainable Energy Management and Energy Forecasting” in an International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE 2023), supported by IEEE Banglore section – from 27-28 January 2023 held at the, BNM Institute of Technology (Autonomous under VTU), Bengaluru, India. BNMIT-SS7.pdf
- Reviewer for “Wireless Personal Communications- Springer”
- Reviewer for “IEEE ACCESS ”
- Reviewer for IEEE Systems Journals
- Reviewer for “Soft Computing – Springer”
- Reviewer for “International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC)- Inderscience Publications (Scopus)”
- Reviewer for “Recent Patents on Computer Science (Scopus)” – Bentham Science Publishers.
- Reviewer for “JESTER (Scopus)”
- Reviewer for many International conferences,
Dr. Vikram Kulkarni’s achievements span several areas of academic and professional excellence. His accomplishments include significant contributions to research, with numerous publications in both journals and book chapters. He has also been actively involved in guiding research scholars and participating in editorial activities. Furthermore, Dr. Kulkarni has played a key role in organizing and presenting at various conferences and seminars, showcasing his expertise and commitment to the field of information technology and engineering. This diverse range of achievements highlights his dedication to academic research, teaching, and active engagement in the scholarly community.
- Ravinder (Research Scholar), Vikram Kulkarni, Robust and Efficient Hybrid Autoencoder-Adam (HAA) Algorithm for Analyzing Anomalies in Indian Electricity Consumption Data, IJGEI-166040, Int. J. of Global Energy Issues, Nov-2023, (In-press). Indexing: ESCI, Scopus, ABDC (C), DOI: 10.1504/IJGEI.2024.10062681
- Sahoo SK, Yanine FF, Kulkarni Vikram and Kalam A (2023), Editorial: Recent advances in renewable energy automation and energy forecasting. Energy Res. 11:1195418. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2023.1195418 Indexing: SCI –E (IF 3.8), Scopus Indexed Journal.
- Ravinder (Research Scholar), Vikram Kulkarni, “Intrusion Detection in Smart Meters Data using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Research Report”, Frontiers in Energy Research, Vol 11, Feb-2023, Indexing: SCI –E (IF 3.8), Scopus Indexed Journal.
- Gundugonti Kishore Kumar, Mahammad Firose Shaik, and Vikram Kulkarni, “Power and Delay Efficient Haar Wavelet Transform for Image Processing Application”, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 31. No. 8. (2022), Pg. No 2220001-2220013, Dec-2021, Indexing: SCI –E (IF 1.3), Scopus Indexed Journal.
- Vikram Kulkarni, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, Sudhakar Babu, “Power Systems Automation, Communication, and Information Technologies for Smart Grid: An Technical Aspects Review”, TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control), Vol. 19, No.3, Pg No. 1017-1029, June 2021.Indexing: Scopus Indexed Journal.
- Vikram et al. “Detecting the Phishing Attack Using Collaborative Approach and Secure Login through Dynamic Virtual Passwords” Volume 17, Number 2, Pg.No. 524-535, Dec-2020. Webology Journal . Indexing: Scopus Indexed Journal. Publisher: Info Sci Publisher (University of Tehran, Iran)
- K, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, K. V. L. Narayana, “A Survey on Interference Avoiding Methods for Wireless Sensor Networks working in the 2.4GHz Frequency Band”, Vol. 13, Number 3, Pg No: 59 – 81, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, July-2020, doi:10.25103/jestr.133.08 Publisher: Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology (EMaTTech), Kavala, Greece. Indexing: Scopus Indexed Journal.
- K, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, “Load Aware Channel Estimation and Channel Scheduling for 2.4GHz Frequency Band Wireless Networks for Smart Grid Applications“, Volume 10, Number 4, Pg. No: 879-902, DEC-2017. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems. Publisher: Massey University, New Zealand. Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index & SCOPUS Indexed Journal.
- K, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, “A Collaborative Frame Work for Avoiding the Interference in 2.4GHz Frequency Band Smart Grid Applications” Vol. No. 22, No.1, Pg. No: 48-56, June-2018. Electronics Journal. Publisher: Faculty of Electrical Engineering Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe. Indexing: SCOPUS Indexed Journal.
Books Published
- Ketan Shah, Ashwini Rao, Vikram Kulkarni, Pintu Shah, “Innovative Solutions: Practical IT and Cyber Projects for a Secure Digital Future” ISBN: 978-93-91044-61-9, Imperial Publications, Maharashtra, India., May-2024
- Sarat Kumar Sahoo, Franco Fernando Yanine, Vikram Kulkarni and Akhtar Kalam, “Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Automation and Energy Forecasting” Published in Frontiers in Energy Research, ISBN 978-2-8325-2529-6, DOI 10.3389/978-2-8325-2529-6
- Vikram Kulkarni, “Coexisting problems for wireless sensor networks working in 2.4 GHz frequency band” ISBN: 9783346075338, Dec-19, GRIN Publishers, Munich, Germany.
- K, K. L. N. Rao, “Bio-Metrics Recognition- Based on IRIS Segmentation” Dec-2019, ISBN-978-620-0-47685-2, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Mauritius.
- Ravinder , Vikram Kulkarni, Ketan Shah, Pintu Shah, Ashwini Rao, Advancing Smart Grid Analytics: Enhanced Anomaly Detection through Isolation Forest for Optimized Energy Management, I ICICS3-2024 International Conference on “Integrated Circuits, Communication, and Computing Systems” which will be held on 8-9 June, 2024 at IIIT-UNA, Himachal Pradesh,
- Raminder Kaur, Vikram Kulkarni, A Psychological Distress-based identification of the factors Stress, Anxiety and Depression Using Machine Learning Approach, at 3rd International Conference on Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems (ICACIS 2024), May 16-17, 2024, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
- Vikram Kulkarni, Bhisaji C Surve, “An overview on the performance validation, Testing Protocols & Standards for Smart Meters” at International conference on Advanced Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (ICAIRET-2024), 13th to 15th March, 2024, at Mizoram University, (A Central University.)
- Ravinder (Research Scholar), Vikram Kulkarni, Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Anomaly Detection in Indian Electricity Consumption Data, International Conference on Material Evolutionary Computing and Networks (ICECMSN 2023), which will be held on November 09-10, 2023 at Hindusthan Institute of Technology in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, Procedia Computer Science-Elsevier.
- Kulkarni, V., Jain, V., Kumar, A., Patel, F., Chokshi, A. (2023). Elderly People Assistance Based on Advanced Hardware Module and a Mobile App. In: Ranganathan, G., EL Allioui, Y., Piramuthu, S. (eds) Soft Computing for Security Applications. ICSCS 2023. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1449. Springer, Singapore.
- Kulkarni, V. (2023). Blockchain Technology-Based Holiday Exchange Network. In: Ranganathan, G., EL Allioui, Y., Piramuthu, S. (eds) Soft Computing for Security Applications. ICSCS 2023. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1449. Springer, Singapore.
- Ravinder. Vikram Kulkarni, “A Review on Cyber Security and Anomaly Detection Perspectives of Smart Grid” Presented in IEEE-ICSSIT-2023, Francis Xavier Engineering College (Autonomous), Anna University, Jan-2023,
- Yashvi Shah, Yashashvi verma, Umang sharma, Aum Sampat, “Supply Chain for Safe & Timely Distribution of Medicines using Blockchain & Machine Learning” Presented in IEEE-ICSSIT-2023, Francis Xavier Engineering College (Autonomous), Anna University, Jan-2023.
- Dhamodhar Reddy, Vikram Kulkarni, “Wind Turbine System based on Fuzzy Logic based MPPT Controller and Boost type Vienna Rectifier”, Presented in IEEE- IITCEE 2023, BNMIT, VTU, Benguluru, Jan-2023.
- Ravinder(Research Scholar), Vikram Kulkarni, “ESEEA: Enhanced Stable Energy-Efficient Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network.” Presented in IEEE-IBSSC 2022, NMIMS MPSTME and IEEE Bombay section, Dec-2022.
- Ravinder (Research Scholar), and V. Kulkarni, “Review on Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network Protocols,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2021 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), Bari, Italy, 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEurope51590.2021.9584696.
- Nagendra Verma, Sarthak Patil, Bhavya Sinha, Vikram Kulkarni, “Object Detection for COVID Rules Response and Crowd Analysis” IEEE i-PACT-2021, NOV-2021, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore and University of Malaya.
- Kulkarni, B. Patanwadia and V. Kulkarni, “A Survey on Machine Learning Techniques for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Detection,” 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N), 2021, pp. 425-427, doi: 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725448
- Anklesaria, Z. Desai, V. Kulkarni and H. Balasubramaniam, “A Survey on Machine Learning Algorithms for Detecting Fake Instagram Accounts,” 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N), 2021, pp. 141-144, doi: 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725724.
- Parikh, Y. Sangle, V. Kulkarni and J. Sutaria, “A Review on Machine-Learning Techniques for Estimation of Bitcoin Pricing,” 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N), 2021, pp. 1493-1495, doi: 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725763.
- Tiwari, S. Shah, V. Kulkarni and P. H. Patil, “A Review on Green Computing Implementation Using Efficient Techniques,” 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N), 2021, pp. 1496-1501, doi: 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725556.
- Lokegaonkar, D. Nair and V. Kulkarni, “Enhancement of Cache Memory Performance,” 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N), 2021, pp. 1490-1492, doi: 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725639.
- Singhvi, H. Bhavsar, Y. Shah and V. Kulkarni, “Pipeline Hazards and its Resolutions,” 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N), 2021, pp. 1473-1478, doi: 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725538.
- Chaudhary, Z. Dalwai and Vikram. Kulkarni, “Intelligent Distraction and Drowsiness Detection System for Automobiles,” 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/CONIT51480.2021.9498562.
- Kulkarni V., Komanapalli V.L.N., Sahoo S.K. (2021) A Review on Requirements for Data Communication and Information Technology Areas for Smart Grid. In: Komanapalli V.L.N., Sivakumaran N., Hampannavar S. (eds) Advances in Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation, and Control. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 700. Springer, Singapore. Pg.No 3259-3271, Mar-2021,
- K, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, K. Venkata Lakshmi Narayana, “Forward Error Correction based Encoding Technique for Cross-layer Multi Channel MAC protocol”, Vol. 117, Pg. No 847-854, September 2017, Energy Procedia. Indexing: SCOPUS, Web of Science, Publisher: Elsevier. Indexing: SCOPUS Indexed Journal
- Vikram and K. V. L. Narayana, “Cross-layer multi-channel MAC protocol for interference mitigation,” 2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON), Bangalore, India, 2016, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/INDICON.2016.7838904.
- K, K. Venkata Lakshmi Narayana, “Cross-layer Multi Channel MAC protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks in 2.4-GHz ISM Band”, IEEE conference on, Computing, Analytics and Security Trends (CAST-2016) on DEC 19-21, 2016 at Department of Computer Engineering & Information Technology, College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra.
- K, Zigbee Based Intelligent Automated System for Parking Lots, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICIEEE-2015), held on 21 – 22 August 2015 at Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus (GNITC), Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India.
- K, Energy Conservation, Generation, Utilization, Special Issue of ICETETS 2014 – Held on 24-25 February, 2014 at Malla Reddy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Secunderabad– 14, AP, India
- Book Chapter – Vikram Kulkarni, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, Ketan Shah ” Integrating Electric Vehicles Into Smart Grids Through Data Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities“, in Electric Vehicles Design, Simulation and Applications, Edited by Krishna Arora, Suman Latha Tripati and H.Sharma Publisher: Wiley Publishers
- Book Chapter(Springer conference), Vikram.K, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, “Interference-Aware Adaptive Transmission Power Control for ZigBee Wireless Networks” Vol. 828, Pg. No: 56-69, June-2018, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer. (Scopus Indexed). Indexing: SCOPUS, Publisher:
- Book Chapter – Vikram.K, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, “Energy Management System in Smart Grid“, Smart Grid Systems-Modelling and Control. March 2018. eBook ISBN: 9781315111124, DOI: Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group.
- Book Chapter – Vikram.K, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, “Swarm Intelligence Techniques for Optimizing Problems” Advances in Swarm Intelligence for Optimizing Problems in Computer Science, ISBN: 9780429445927 , DOI: 10.1201/9780429445927. SEP- 2018. Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group.
- Book Chapter, Vikram.K, Rejo Mathew, “IoT: a step towards Sustainability”, in Trends in Disruptive Technology Management for Sustainable Development, CRC press, Taylor and Francis group, ISBN 9780367249649, OCT-2019.
- Book Chapter, Vikram.K, Rejo Mathew, “Cloud Based IoT Architecture for Green Buildings”, in Edited volume of Industrial Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems: Transforming the Conventional to Digital, IGI Publishers, ISBN13: 9781522597544, Pg No 61-75, chapter DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2803-7.ch004, and Book DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2803-7, 30-June-2020. (Scopus Indexed).
- Book Chapter, Vikram. K, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, Rejo.M, “Application of IoT for Microgrid”, in Micro Grid Technologies, Edited by C. Sharmeela, P. Sivaraman, P. Sanjeevikumar, Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen. Scrivener Publishing, Wiley. Pg.No. 403-421, ISBN: 9781119710790. DEC-2020. (Scopus Indexed).