The NMIMS Department of International Linkages (DIL) fosters partnerships with premier institutions around the world to enhance NMIMS’s standing as a world-class institution.

Towards the University’s Vision to be a globally admired University by 2030, DIL has actively engaged with leading institutions around the world to foster student and faculty exchange, research collaboration, and cross-cultural learning. Active international partnerships lead to exciting opportunities for faculty and students and provide the environment for high-quality research. Our work focuses on enhancing existing partnerships and seeking out new opportunities in line with NMIMS’s international strategy.

These collaborations explore various opportunities as below:

Dual Degree Programmes:

Students study a part of their Bachelor’s/ Master’s programme at NMIMS and then go and complete the programme at a partner University abroad. They have the opportunity to earn dual degrees from both NMIMS & International University.

Progression Agreements:

These agreements give NMIMS students a well-defined admission process when applying to a Master’s programme at our Partner Universities. Students may receive personalized information sessions, a streamlined admission process, a GMAT/GRE waiver linked to a good GPA, a Tuition fee waiver/scholarships, and an early admission offer which may enable them to apply in time for their VISA.

Short Term Mobility:

To provide cross-cultural exposure and a global perspective to the students, NMIMS University provides short-term mobility programmes with leading schools & organizations overseas. These may include Student Exchange, International Immersions, International Competitions, Research Internships, Industry Internships, Summer Schools, etc.

Visiting students adds to the diversity of Knowledge and Culture at the School, and enhances the effectiveness of its pedagogy.

Faculty Exchange Programmes:

Our highly qualified and expert faculty have the opportunity to travel abroad to our partner university for teaching assignments and for research. Similarly, International faculty visit the NMIMS campus. Faculty members benefit from exposure to a culturally varied and diverse faculty, with an opportunity to exchange ideas and observe a variety of styles. These programmes present a unique opportunity for interaction between foreign universities and Indian institutions.

Research Collaborations / Colloquiums / Seminars and Conferences:

Conferences and seminars are part of a research support system provided to faculty at NMIMS University and international scholars engaged in collaborative research or scholarly activity with NMIMS academics. The University organizes a number of research conferences and seminars with its International partners to disseminate research results, develop capacity, and promote interactions among the researchers. The University, supported by the colleges has organized numerous national and international conferences and seminars in various fields of study.