“Ideate. Innovate. Create.”

Department of Information Technology, one of the oldest departments of the school, was established in 2006. We offer undergraduate, integrated, and doctoral programmes. We have qualified and dedicated faculty members. Our Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) programme is accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) under the Tier-I category. We are popular among students for our expertise in Computer Networks, Data Ware Housing and Mining, Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Cyber security, and Forensics. We hold a good rapport with several people in the industry and follow the changing trends. We are committed to facilitating an engaging learning environment with the use of traditional and innovative pedagogy.


To impart quality education and conduct research relevant to the needs of the national and international community for improving the quality of human life.


To meet the contemporary Information Technology demands in industry and society at large by equipping human resources with technical and management skills by delivering relevant curriculum, using state-of-the-art pedagogical innovations, and inspiring students to undertake relevant research.

Program Outcomes:

  1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering for problem solving.
  2. An ability to research, design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  3. An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.
  4. An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
  5. An ability to identify, formulate and provide effective IT solution for engineering problems.
  6. An understanding of professional, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
  7. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  8. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
  9. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development and self-learning.
  10. An ability to apply ethical principles in development of IT solutions.
  11. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for developing effective IT solutions.
  12. An ability to identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation/integration, evaluation and administration of IT-based solutions.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) of IT Department

  1. To demonstrate an ability to visualize, architect and create appropriate solutions for IT related projects.
  2. Demonstrate an ability to professionally manage, monitor and safeguard IT resources.

Course Outcomes

Semester Course Name Course Outcomes
III Discrete Mathematics CO-1 Define and relate basic notions of discrete mathematics,
CO-2 Demonstrate the ability to understand mathematical logic, concepts in abstract algebra and mathematical proof techniques,
CO-3 Solve problems based on combinatorics, graph theory and abstract algebra,
CO-4 Demonstrate understanding of the applications of algebra, combinatorics and graph theory
Data Structures and Algorithms CO-1 1. Understand the concept of data structures and computational complexity
CO-2 2. Identify and implement appropriate linear data structure for the given problem.
CO-3 3. Identify and implement appropriate non-linear data structure for the given problem.
CO-4 4. Differentiate various searching and sorting algorithms.
Signal and Systems CO-1 Classify the continuous time and discrete time signals and systems
CO-2 Apply various mathematical operations to analyze signals and systems
CO-3 Analyze the continuous time signals and systems using various transforms
CO4 Determine the frequency spectrum of discrete time signals and systems response
Digital Logic Design CO-1 Explain the concept of digital system and logic simplification
CO-2 Develop combinational circuits for various applications
CO-3 Design sequential circuits for various application
CO-4 Implement basic digital logic circuits using EDA tools with the help of HDL
Database Management Systems CO-1 Describe core concepts of database and model a database management system through ER modelling.
CO-2 Apply knowledge of relational algebra and structured query language to retrieve and manage data from relational database.
CO-3 Demonstrate the use of normalization for database design.
CO-4 Use modern database techniques such as NoSQL
Computer Networks CO-1 Explain the concepts of computer networks, topologies and data communication.
CO-2 Analyze the various error detection and correction and medium access techniques.
CO-3 Apply network layer addressing and routing techniques to different network topologies.
CO-4 Analyze the different protocols of the layered architecture of computer networks
Web Programming CO-1 Explain the fundamentals of web programming
CO-2 Design front end of a web application
CO-3 Establish database connectivity between front-end and back-end
Technical Communication CO-1 Apply the fundamentals of written communication to create written documents that are coherent, error-free and well organized.
CO-2 Develop the ability to create effective and persuasive business correspondence, such as letters and emails, that follow etiquette and are able to achieve the desired outcomes.
CO-3 Create basic reports such as memo, letter and survey-based report, using their understanding of report writing.
Community Service CO-1 develop increased self‐awareness and understanding of one’s personality and emotional intelligence,
CO-2 improve networking, interpersonal communication, leadership and organizational skills,
CO-3 develop an awareness and understanding of one’s multiple roles and responsibilities as a part of the society,
CO-4 explore foundational concepts of healthy human relationship like empathy, compassion and cooperation
CO-5 improve critical and analytical thinking abilities, oral and written expression.
IV Probability and Statistics CO-1 Solve problems involving random variables, probability distributions and testing of hypothesis, correlation and regression
CO-2 Identify suitable probability distribution and testing techniques to solve problems
CO-3 Apply knowledge of random variables, probability distributions, measures of central tendency, correlation and regression to solve real life problems
CO-4 Analyse data samples using statistical methods
Programming for Analytics CO-1 Create data sets suitable for analysis
CO-2 Generate summary reports
CO-3 Access and manipulate data stored in excel or raw data files
CO-4 Perform data transformations and iterative data processing
Object Oriented Programming CO-1 Explain and implement the basic concepts in Java such as defining classes, creating objects, invoking methods, handling exceptions etc
CO-2 Design solutions for a given problem using the concepts of Abstraction, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Inheritance in OOP paradigm.
CO-3 Design Class diagrams for solving a real-world problem.
Principles of Artificial Intelligence CO-1 Explain the history & basic principles of AI in solutions that require problem solving
CO-2 Discuss knowledge representation and apply learning techniques like Neural networks, Bayesian networks etc. in various AI problems
CO-3 Analyze and design a real-world problem for implementation of NLP methods
Operating Systems CO-1 Comprehend the objectives, services and different architectures of the Operating System and their types.
CO-2 Conduct simulation experiments on process scheduling, inter-process communication, deadlock avoidance of system by using different algorithms,
CO-3 Implement and evaluate the various memory management techniques provided by the OS to improve the overall system performance
CO-4 Comprehend the techniques to manage files & methods to access different storage devices.
Data Warehousing and Mining CO-1 Understand the fundamentals of Data Warehouse, Data Mining and their importance in providing solutions to real world problems,
CO-2 Understand ETL, analytical processing and information delivery in data warehouse,
CO-3 Select and implement appropriate data mining algorithms for solving practical problems.
Computer Organisation and Architecture CO-1 Discuss the functional blocks of computers and the interconnections
CO-2 Evaluate the memory system
CO-3 Explain the components of the Central Processing Unit
CO-4 Describe Input Output and Parallel Organization
V Embedded Systems CO-1 Explain embedded system architecture and RTOS
CO-2 Identify how microprocessor, memory, peripheral components and buses interact in an embedded system design
CO-3 Develop solutions for various real time applications using Embedded programming
Visual Analytics CO-1 Demonstrate a working knowledge of data visualization
CO-2 Create visualization charts appropriate for the underlying data
CO-3 Apply modern statistical learning techniques on data visualizations
CO-4 Design and implement interactive links between various objects in a data visualization report
Human Computer Interaction CO-1 Discuss the importance of good interface design for human computer interaction
CO-2 Apply design principles, models and evaluation techniques to user interface design
CO-3 Identify various aspects of user experience and design thinking in HCI
CO-4 Design user interface application using HCI concept
Software Engineering CO-1 Explain the characteristics of various process models used in the development of a Software project
CO-2 Demonstrate an understanding of various Analysis and Design models that provide a basis for the software development
CO-3 Apply UML concepts for modelling software functionality for a given scenario
CO-4 Create test cases for validating the working of the software developed
Management Information Systems (Elective) CO-1 Explain the role of Information System in business environment
CO-2 Analyze existing business applications in use and design a business application for a given scenario
CO-3 Describe the implications of social media on organizations
CO-4 Identify the challenges in the management of global information systems and assess the security and ethical concerns
Adv. Data Structures (Elective) CO-1 Choose appropriate data structures and algorithms, understand the ADT/libraries, and use it to design algorithms for a specific problem.
CO-2 Design and Implement solution for a given real time problem using hashing techniques.
CO-3 Use and Implement red-black trees, B-trees and Splay trees.
CO-4 Implement pattern matching algorithms for various text processing applications.
Service Oriented Architecture (Elective) CO-1 Design and implement web services for creating enterprise web applications
CO-2 Explore semantic web to create ontologies and to query RDFs
CO-3 Execute web service integration, deployment and Security of micro services
AI and Robotics (Elective) CO-1 Describe basic principles of AI toward problem solving, inference, perception, knowledge representation, and learning.
CO-2 Explain and implement advance AI learning techniques
CO-3 Apply knowledge of robotics, robot Kinematics, robotic programming and robot vision in developing solutions to real time problems
Advanced Computer Networks (Elective) CO-1 Describe medium access layer protocols
CO-2 Design IP addressing scheme, analyze packet forwarding, and compare different routing protocols
CO-3 Compare and analyze transport protocols and other key protocols essential for networking
CO-4 Explain various multimedia protocols, internet security concepts and future networks
Machine Learning Algorithms CO-1 Use machine learning algorithms to solve problems
CO-2 Assess the performance of machine learning algorithms
CO-3 Recommend a suitable algorithm for a given problem
Mobile Application Development CO-1 Design user interfaces using Android Studio and Flutter
CO-2 Implement file handling using text and images
CO-3 Implement database connectivity and location tracking
CO-4 Develop a full-fledged Android/IOS application
Software Project Management CO-1 Understand the process of project planning and design of a software project.
CO-2 Analyze a project to provide project schedule and cost estimates
CO-3 Apply risk analysis techniques to develop risk management and mitigation plan
CO-4 Understand project monitoring and controlling software deliverables
System Administration CO-1 Demonstrate various System admin tasks.
CO-2 Configure various application servers.
CO-3 Secure Linux system.
Software Quality Assurance (DE III) CO-1 Classify the various software quality factors
CO-2 Describe and comprehend SQA architecture and its components
CO-3 Identify the different software defects and techniques used for defects removal
CO-4 Evaluate on the basis of Software quality metrics and the standards
Game Design (Open Elective) CO-1 Interpret the term “game”, incorporating different concepts and multiple perspectives.
CO-2 Analyse the mechanics of paper and digital games, considering how these mechanics affect gameplay and player experiences.
CO-3 Design, develop, and test games using an iterative design process and considering user feedback.
CO-4 Create Design Documents using design template to communicate design ideas.
Cyber Forensics (DE III) CO-1 Understand Windows and Linux File systems
CO-2 Perform various forensics operations on a given media
CO-3 Understand various professional, ethical and legal issues related to cyber forensics
Introduction to Cryptography (DE II) CO-1 Explain and implement various symmetric key cryptographic algorithms
CO-2 Explain and implement various asymmetric key cryptographic algorithms
CO-3 Describe various attacks on cryptosystems
Database Administration (DE II) CO-1 Describe the fundamentals of Database Administration
CO-2 Analyze the Network Architecture and implement Database security
CO-3 Design Database backup and recovery procedures, apply performance tuning operations
Advanced Web Programming (DE III) CO-1 Develop a project using ASP.Net with basic C# and Object-Oriented C#
CO-2 Create dynamic web applications using ASP.NET
CO-3 Implement backend database with controls using ADO.Net technology
Internet of Things (IoT)(DE III) CO-1 Describe the fundamentals of IoT
CO-2 Demonstrate appropriate use of protocols and cloud services for a given application
CO-3 Distinguish the IoT data using various data analytics methods
CO-4 Construct IoT based project using suitable hardware boards
Computer Graphics (DE II) CO-1 Describe different computer graphics hardware and its functionality.
CO-2 Apply Basic Raster graphics algorithm for drawing 2-D primitives.
CO-3 Apply different 2-D and 3-D geometric transformation, viewing and clipping technique.
CO-4 Demonstrate hidden surface elimination, curve and light shading techniques.
Blockchain Technology (DE III) CO-1 Explain the concepts of Blockchain Technology
CO-2 Identify various types of Blockchains and Consensus Mechanisms, smart contracts and use cases
CO-3 Use blockchain platform for building solutions to real time applications
VII Information Systems Security CO-1 Analyse various security threats and countermeasures
CO-2 Explain various security technologies and mechanisms
CO-3 Describe various ethical and legal issues related to cybersecurity
Cloud Computing CO-1 Classify the layers of cloud reference model based on their significance
CO-2 Address security concerns and orchestration in cloud environment
Software Testing (DE V) CO-1 Design and implement test cases for different levels and types of testing
CO-2 Select appropriate manual and automatic testing for different modules of software
CO-3 Apply test-driven development to improve testing and delivery in software development
Deep Learning (DE V) CO-1 Explain the fundamentals of deep learning.
CO-2 Apply optimization and regularization for tuning the parameters of deep neural networks.
CO-3 Build convolutional neural networks architectures for various applications.
CO-4 Apply recurrent neural networks architectures for various applications.
Ethical Hacking (DE V) CO-1 Demonstrate hacking in a lab environment.
CO-2 Describe various countermeasures.
CO-3 Describe various professional, ethical and legal issues related to ethical hacking.
Network design (DE V) CO-1 Identify customer’s needs and goals
CO-2 Create a logical network design
CO-3 Create a physical network design
CO-4 Test, optimize and document network design
Advanced Machine Learning (DE IV) CO-1 Explain advanced concepts in machine learning
CO-2 Map real world problems to a machine learning problem definition and select appropriate machine learning algorithm
CO-3 Design applications using machine learning techniques
CO-4 Evaluate the performance of the applications
UI and UX Design (DE IV) CO-1 Explain the fundamentals of UI UX Design
CO-2 Design and evaluate a prototype
CO-3 Explain design thinking methodology
CO-4 Create an UX design portfolio
Natural Language Processing (DE IV) CO-1 Describe the fundamental concepts and techniques of natural language processing
CO-2 Apply text pre-processing, word level analysis and syntax level analysis techniques on textual data
CO-3 Implement approaches for semantic level analysis and pragmatic level analysis
CO-4 Illustrate various real-world applications of NLP
Advanced Database Management Systems (DE IV) CO-1 Analyze different database modelling and management techniques.
CO-2 Evaluate measures of query cost, processing, and optimization techniques
CO-3 Create programs to execute on XML and relational database systems
CO-4 Understand advance database application and database administration
E-Commerce (DE IV) CO-1 Classify and Compare different Electronic Commerce Software and Online
Payment’s methods.
CO-2 Explain various E-Commerce Legal, ethical, social issues and Security issues.
CO-3 Use modern engineering tool for developing effective model of E-Commerce
web applications.
VIII Project CO-1 Select an appropriate problem statement after reviewing the literature and identifying the research gaps.
CO-2 Formulate a feasible design model.
CO-3 Implement the prototype/proof of concept, test and validate the results.
CO-4 Work efficiently in a team environment.
CO-5 Summarize the findings into a technical report.


CO-PO mapping

Semester Course CO No. PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PO-11 PO-12 PSO-1 PSO-2
III Discrete Mathematics CO-1 H H
CO-2 H H M
CO-3 H H M
CO-4 H H L M
Data Structures and Algorithms CO-1 M M M
CO-2 M L M M H H L M H L
CO-3 M L M M H H L M H L
CO-4 M L H H
Signal and Systems CO-1 H L H
CO-2 H M L M H M
CO-3 H M L M H M
Digital Logic Design CO-1 H M
CO-2 M H M M
CO-3 M H H M
CO-4 M
Database Management Systems CO-1 M H L L
CO-2 M H M M M
CO-3 M
CO-4 3 M
Computer Networks CO-1 H H L
CO-2 L M H L
CO-3 M H H L L M
CO-4 M H M H L L M
Web Programming CO-1 M
CO-2 H L H H
CO-3 M H L M M M
Technical Communication CO-1 L H
CO-2 H M
CO-3 H M
Community Service CO-1 L H L
CO-2 H H M
CO-3 H M M L
CO-4 L M M L
CO-5 L L H L
IV Probability and Statistics CO-1 H M
CO-2 M H
CO-3 H M
CO-4 M H
Programming for Analytics CO-1 H H H M H
CO-2 M M H M M M H
CO-3 H H L H H H
CO-4 H H H H M H H
Object Oriented Programming CO-1 L M L M
CO-2 H M M H L L M M
CO-3 H M M L M
Principles of Artificial Intelligence CO-1 L
CO-2 M M
CO-3 M M
Operating Systems CO-1 H H M M M
CO-2 H M L M
CO-3 H H M
CO-4 H H L
Data Warehousing and Mining CO-1 L M H L L M
CO-2 M L M M M L L
CO-3 H M H H M H H
Computer Organisation and Architecture CO-1 L M L
CO-2 L M L
CO-3 M M H L L
CO-4 M H M M L L
V Embedded Systems CO-1 L M L
CO-2 L H H M M
CO-3 H H M M
Visual Analytics CO-1 H M M M L M M
CO-2 H H H M L H M
CO-3 H H M L M M
CO-4 H H M L M M
Human Computer Interaction CO-1 L L H
CO-2 M H H M H H
CO-3 H H H
CO-4 M H H M H
Software Engineering CO-1 L H H L
CO-2 H H H
CO-3 M H H H
CO-4 H H M
Management Information Systems (Elective) CO-1 M M L M M H
CO-2 M M L H H
CO-3 M M L H H H
CO-4 M M M M H H H M M
Adv. Data Structures (Elective) CO-1 M M H L H L H H M
CO-2 M M M
CO-3 L M M H
CO-4 M M H H
Service Oriented Architecture (Elective) CO-1 H H M H
CO-2 L L H
CO-3 M M M
AI and Robotics (Elective) CO-1 M M H H H H
CO-2 L M H H H H
CO-3 M L H H H H
Advanced Computer Networks (Elective) CO-1 M
CO-2 M H M M H
CO-3 H M M
CO-4 L L M
Machine Learning Algorithms CO-1 M L
CO-2 H M H M H M M L
CO-3 H H H H M
Mobile Application Development CO-1 H
CO-2 H
CO-3 H
CO-4 H
Software Project Management CO-1 L H M M
CO-2 M M M
CO-3 L L L L M L
CO-4 M L L
System Administration CO-1 L
CO-2 H H
CO-3 H
Software Quality Assurance (DE III) CO-1 L
CO-2 L H
CO-3 H
CO-4 H M H
Game Design (Open Elective) CO-1 L
CO-2 M M
CO-3 H
CO-4 H M
Cyber Forensics (DE III) CO-1 M L M H H
CO-2 M L M M M H H
CO-3 H M M M
Introduction to Cryptography (DE II) CO-1 L M H
CO-2 L M H
CO-3 L M H
Database Administration (DE II) CO-1 H H M
CO-2 H L H
CO-3 H H
Advanced Web Programming (DE III) CO-1 L M
CO-2 H L H H
CO-3 M H M M M M
Internet of Things (IoT) (DE III) CO-1 L L L
CO-2 M L L
CO-3 M M M
CO-4 H H H H
Computer Graphics (DE II) CO-1 L
CO-2 H H M
CO-3 H H M
CO-4 L M H
Blockchain Technology (DE III) CO-1 M
CO-2 L H
CO-3 M
VII Information Systems Security CO-1 H L L
CO-2 M M L M M M
CO-3 M M L
Cloud Computing CO-1 L M M M
CO-2 L H M M
Software Testing (DE V) CO-1 M L
CO-2 H M H
CO-3 H H H H
Deep Learning (DE V) CO-1 M H M
CO-2 M M H L M
CO-3 M L H M M
CO-4 M M H M M
Ethical Hacking (DE V) CO-1 H M M M
CO-2 H M M M M
CO-3 H L
Network design (DE V) CO-1 H M
CO-2 H
CO-3 H
CO-4 M L
Advanced Machine Learning (DE IV) CO-1 H
CO-2 H H H L
CO-3 H H H H L M L
CO-4 H H H L
UI and UX Design (DE IV) CO-1 M M H M
CO-2 M H H M H H
CO-3 H H H
CO-4 H
Natural Language Processing (DE IV) CO-1 M L
CO-2 H M H M M H H
CO-3 H M H L M M M
CO-4 L L L
Advanced Database Management Systems (DE IV) CO-1 H H H
CO-2 M M M
CO-3 M H H H H
CO-4 H H H H
E-Commerce (DE IV) CO-1 H
CO-2 H L M H L
CO-3 L M H
VIII Project CO-1 H H L M M M L L H H
CO-2 M H H M M L M M M L M L H H
CO-3 M H H H H L M L M M M H H
CO-4 L L L H L H H H
CO-5 H L H H H H



The department offers various undergraduate, integrated, and doctoral programmes.

The department has qualified and dedicated faculty members.

The research is an integral part of the Department of Information Technology. The department has strength in research domains like Networking, Internet of Things (IoT), Data warehousing and mining, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Sensor Networks, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Sentiment Analysis, Cybersecurity, and Education Technology.

Research Scholars at the Information and Technology Department:

Sr.No Name Title /Domain Status
1. Mr.SudhirBagade Wormhole Attack Detection in presence of Variable Delay in Mobile Ad hoc Network PhD. Completed
2. Ms.Varsha Bhosale Energy efficient TDMA based MAC Protocol for wireless sensor networks Ph.D. Completed
3. Mr. Avinash More Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Ph.D. Completed
4. Mr. ShitalkumarJain An Improvement in TCP Congestion Control for both wireless and wired N/W. Ph.D. Completed
5. Ms. Seema Ladhe A Resource Efficient Common Protection Path Approach for MPLS-based Recovery Ph.D. Completed
6 Ms.Sneha Deshmukh Handling congestion control for Internet of Things applications Ph.D. In progress
7 Ms.Pankti Doshi Program analysis Ph.D. In progress
8 Ms.Chetashri Bhadane Data Mining of Human Mobility Profile Ph.D. In progress
9 Ms.Shubha Puthran Intrusion detection using data mining Ph.D. In progress
10 Ms. Vinaya Sawant Distributed Association Rule Mining Ph.D. In progress
11 Ms.Ashwini Rao Feature Based Opinion Summarization Ph.D. Completed
12 Ms.KrantiGhag Sentiment Analysis for Text Reviews Ph.D. Completed

The Department of Information Technology has six well-equipped laboratories to meet the academic and research requirements of the students and faculty members. High-speed Internet connectivity is provided to all networked machines. The Department is moving its labs to the Microsoft Intelligent Cloud to provide anytime anywhere access to students and faculty members.


All the classrooms are air-conditioned and equipped with Smartboard, PA System, and WiFi.

CR-31 (Seating Capacity – 60)
CR-32 (Seating Capacity – 30)
CR-33 (Seating Capacity – 60)
CR-34 (Seating Capacity – 30)


No. Name of the Laboratory Courses conducted in the Laboratory
1 RESEARCH LAB 1 1. Software Engineering (SE),
2. Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD)
3. System & security (SS), E-commerce (ECOM)
4. Microprocessor-microcontroller (MPMC)
5. Computer simulation and modelling (CSM)
6. Web Programming (WP)
7. Data structure analysis (DSA)
8. Programming for problem solving(PPS)
9. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
2 RESEARCH LAB 2 1. Programming in Analytics (PA)
2. Business Visualization (BV)
3. Database management system (DBMS)
4. Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD)
5. System & security (SS)
6. E-commerce (ECOM)
7. Microprocessor-microcontroller (MPMC)
8. Web Programming (WP)
9. Data structure analysis (DSA)
10. Programming for problem solving(PPS)
11. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
3 DATA STRUCTURES & DBMS LAB 1. Implementation of Technology (IOT)
2. Distributed computing (DC)
3. Human computer Interface (HCI)
4. E-Commerce (ECOM)
5. Mobile application Development (MAD)
6. Programing for problem solving (PPS)
7. Data structure and algorithm (DSA)
8. Programming workshop (PW)
9. Software Project Management (SPM)
2. Advance computer Network (ACN)
3. Microprocessor-microcontroller (MPMC)
4. Parallel computing (PC)
5. Information security (IS)
6. Research Methodology (RM)
2. Implementation of Technology (IOT)
3. Wireless Network(WN)
4. Parallel Computing(PC)
5. Microprocessor-Microcontroller (MPMC)
6. Business Visualization (BV)
6 PROJECT LAB 1. E-commerce (ECOM),
2. Principle of Communication (PCOM)
3. Programming for problem solving(PPS)
4. Advanced Database management system (ADBMS)

Library Services:

The library is the heart of knowledge and information. It is an essential and integral component of the institute. The library supports the teaching, learning, and research activities of the institute. It has a rich collection of print and non-print resources on Engineering, Technology, Management, and allied subjects. The well-furnished, air-conditioned, and Wi-Fi-enabled library is located on the ground floor of the institute. It is spacious and comfortable and it is managed by trained library professionals who assist the library users effectively and promptly. The main library has an area of 231.68 Sq. Mts., with a seating capacity of 110. The library’s working hours on all working days are 8.00 am to 8.00 pm. The library consists of two parts: 1. Stacking with a reading area and 2. Administrative area with circulation section. The development and growth of the library are planned under the leadership of the Library Advisory Committee.

Faculty - Information Technology
Prof. Dhanashree Huddedar

Assistant Professor

Dr. Bhisaji Surve

Assistant Professor

Dr. Vikram Kulkarni

Assistant Professor

Prof.Pratidnya Hegdepatil

Assistant Professor

Dr. Sneha Deshmukh

Assistant Professor

Prof. Dharmesh Rathod

Assistant Professor

Prof. Mathew Rejo Rajan

Assistant Professor(Program Coordinator MBATECH IT)

Dr. Ashwini Rao

Head of the Department, Information Technology

Dr. Ketan Shah

Professor & Associate Dean (Accreditation)

Staff - Information Technology
Ms. Shiwani Vilankar

Lab Asst.

Ms. Swati Karande

Lab Asst.

Ms. Neha Salvi

Lab Asst.

Mr. Amol Tare

Lab Asst.

Mr. Kunal Udeshi

Assistant (Academic-Admin)